Sunday, February 1, 2009

Beginning Photography

This semester, I am taking a beginning photography class so I can have a little fun thrown in with my intense history and English classes. Every Thursday we are given an assignment to take pictures following what we learned in class that week. Then we choose our best two photos and present them to the class on Tuesday.

This was my second assignment. We had to take two pictures that captured a moment. The thing is when we are taking the picture, we have to remember so many things: composition (placement of our person or object), what is going on in the background, light, moments... I had fun following around the Atchison boys, a family that I babysit for, and capturing moments.

Aiden (4) decided to climb out of their front window

Asher (8 months) was crying because he had an ear infection... poor guy

1 comment:

Liz said...

you're getting to be a pro photographer! =]